Recover/ Uncover
05 Feb-08 Apr 2020
Masa Galeria, Mexico City
February 5th - April 8th, 2020
Gobernador Tiburcio Montiel 5, San Miguel Chapultepec, CDMX, Mexico
Works by: Atelier Van Lieshout / Hollie Bowden / Jose Dávila / Pablo Dávila / Héctor Esrawe / EWE / Mario García Torres / Misha Kahn / Perla Krauze / LANZA Atelier / Adeline de Monseignat / Milena Muzquiz / Tania Pérez Córdova / Jerónimo Reyes-Retana / Gabriel Rico / Rooms / Savvy Studio and Umberto Bellardi Ricci / Joe Sweeney / Tezontle / Brian Thoreen / VIDIVIXI / VISSIO
The exhibition is curated with Su Wu.