from the latin conectere ‘to join together’, meaning ‘to establish a relationship’.
this is when the work enters in dialogue with the world - through shows, talks, articles -  and connects with you.
i am NOT tino sehgal: This Whisper
09 Jun-20 Jul 2016
Nahmad Projects
I am NOT tino sehgal
A concept by Francesco Bonami

Nahmad Projects
PV: 9 June
Runs: 10 June-20 July
Adeline's performance date: TBC

Adeline de Monseignat will perform one day out of the 30 days/ 30 artists programme.
She, alongside 12 other performers and involving the public, will perform 'This Whisper', a game of Chinese whispers where the original whisper - the description of an artwork - runs the risk of being distorted during the 6-hour performance.  The original and last whisper - inscribed on a blackboard propped against an easel - will be revealed at the end of the performance.
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